Volunteers make an impact

We want YOU!

Contributing to the work of the PTO is a simple way to support your kids, connect with your community, and give back to our school. The PTO is a place for everyone — parents, teachers, staff, families, and community members to connect.

We are not just for stay-at-home moms or volunteering dads. Signing up to participate does not mean you have a new fulltime job or will be left to plan an event on your own. Everything we do is team-based and volunteer run, supported by our board of directors.

As well, so many things can be done remotely, part-time, or from home. Working parents, we want you! We would love for you to get involved in whatever way works best for you — in person, remotely, financially, or just by spreading the word on social media.

We want New Hope to be a place where every voice is heard, and everyone who wishes to contribute has the opportunity. If you have opinions, we really do need you, but we also WANT you. Your children light up when you’re involved in what’s going on, and that is the best part of what we do. We’re so grateful for your support.

For more information on all of our opportunities and their time-commitments, please see full descriptions here or visit the About Us page.

Ready to help? Just fill out this form to let us know that you are interested and we’ll take care of the rest! Someone from the Board will be in touch soon.

*Indicates role is restricted to those parents of 5th graders only